Client List
Consulting Firms Non-Profit Organizations Government Agencies

Aguirre International

Birch & Davis Associates

Business/Education Partnership

The CDM Group

CRP Associates

COSMOS Corporation

Development Economics

Health Systems Research

IQ Solutions

Johnson, Bassin & Shaw

KRA Corporation

Knapp & Associates International

Performance Consulting

ROW Sciences/Federal Data Corporation

Soza & Co

Waxman Communications

AIDS Action

Byte Back

Johns Hopkins University SCANS

National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors

National Skill Standards Board

Sales & Service Voluntary Partnership

Metropolitan Washington Society for Heath Care Marketing and Public Relations

National Drug Prevention League

NRF Foundation

National Multicultural Institute


Office of National Drug Control Policy

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

• Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

• Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

• Maternal and Child Health Bureau

U.S. Department of Justice

• Immigration and Naturalization Service

• Federal Marshals

U.S. Department of Labor

• Employment and Training Administration