Project List Excerpts

AIDS Action – Best Practices

What Works in HIV Prevention for Substance Users – Section on Successful HIV Prevention Programs for Substance Users, AIDS Action, Washington DC, 2001
Identified criteria for inclusion in the collection; researched successful prevention strategies used by community-based non-profit organizations to prevent HIV transmission by drug users; interviewed program staff regarding prevention activities and evaluation data; wrote profiles of programs. The resulting document is available through AIDS Action's What Works series at www.What%20Works%20in%20HIV%20Prevention%20for%20Substance%20Users%20(33).pdf.


National Retail Federation Foundation – Best Practices

Product/Service: Monograph on Successful Strategies & Implementation Guidelines
Researched and documented best practices in the utilization of skill standards in workforce development and education programs. Created a framework for data collection, conducted interviews, and wrote profiles on retail training programs, describing how the programs work, who they serve, and what elements are critical to success. To view this document, click on


Company of Friends – Project Management*

Product/Service: Coordinator 2001-2002
Provide ongoing leadership for an 800+ member reader's network of Fast Company magazine. Information about the mission and activities of this group is available at under the Washington, DC listing.


National Skill Standards Board – Best Practices, Training & Technical Assistance Design

Product/Service: Journal Article on Skill Standards
Researched and co-wrote article entitled, "How Community Colleges Can Use Retail Skills Standards" published in Catalyst: The Journal of the National Council for Continuing Education and Training (Volume 30, Number 1 Winter 2001) on best practices in the use of retail skill standards, with an emphasis on how community colleges can use skill standards. To view or download, click on Best Practices 1995.


National Retail Federation Foundation – Project Planning & Implementation, Training & Technical Assistance Design

Product/Service: Implementation Assistance in the Development of Retail Skills Centers
Support for NRFF workforce development efforts, implementation planning and assistance at start-up, development of replication manuals, and research on sustainability. Developed marketing materials for NRF Foundation products and services, including printed materials and visuals. Represented NRFF at conferences, meetings and events. Helped to integrated new technology into curriculum materials and programming. Member of planning team.


Birch & Davis Associates, Inc. – Training & Technical Assistance Design


Product/Service: Tobacco TA Manager for the Prevention Technical Assistance to the States (PTATS) Contract
Designed and implemented a strategy for pro-active delivery of technical assistance services to state agencies implementing a Federal requirement. Following the government agency’s lead, developed national meetings, workshops, products, and resources for state agencies and other audiences. Co-drafted monitoring protocols for on-site review of compliance. Member of planning team.


Sales & Service Voluntary Partnership, Inc. – Project Implementation, Training & Technical Assistance Design

Product/Service: Implementation Support
Meeting support for standards development, facilitation and reporting coordination. Recruited subject matter experts and industrial psychologists for focus groups. Developed tools to assist organizations to compare their own curriculum and standards with the draft national Sales & Service Voluntary Partnership Skill Standards.


Aguirre International for the U.S. Department of Labor – Training & Technical Assistance Design


Product/Service: Materials Development
Created print materials to support use of O*NET OnLine, including scenarios, desk references, utilization guides. The goal: to help workforce development professionals understand how they would use the Department of Labor’s online tool called O*NET, the enhanced replacement for the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, in their work.


Johnson, Bassin & Shaw, Inc. – Project Management, Training & Technical Assistance Design

Product/Service: Management Support
Provided support and direction for staff of a federal contract during a gap in staffing at the management level. The contract provided technical assistance to state agencies on how to comply with the federal requirement to limit minors’ access to tobacco. Participated in conference calls with clients and consultants, provided content review on work plans and site visit reports. Conducted weekly update meetings to review progress and identify problems. Provided weekly progress reports to upper management.


Candida’s World of Books – Project Implementation


Product/Service: Small Business Advisement
Advised a small business through planning phases, including store identity and definition, market research, inventory strategy, real estate considerations, business plan development and critique.


Begal Enterprises – Project Implementation


Product/Service: Small Business Advisement
Human Resources infrastructure support. Created job descriptions and work expectations, drafted core values for employees. Screened job candidates. – Project Implementation*

Product/Service: Small Business Advisement
Developed project plans for dot-com start-up, facilitated team planning meetings, provided critique for business plan, product development plans and marketing materials.


SkillsUSA/VICA – Training & Technical Assistance Design Product/Service: Newsletter/Brochure
Wrote a brochure to provide educators, students and policy-makers with easy-to-understand introduction to employability skills and how they can be measured.

*Pro bono